I am a Ph.D student at LANCO group, School of Computer Science, Peking University and advised by Prof. Xu Sun. My research interests include natural language processing and machine learning.
- Ph.D student in Computer Software and Theory, Peking University, 2021.9 - Present
- Bachelor of Management, Peking University, 2017.9 - 2021.7
VITATECS: A Diagnostic Dataset for Temporal Concept Understanding of Video-Language Models
Shicheng Li, Lei Li, Shuhuai Ren, Yuanxin Liu, Yi Liu, Rundong Gao, Xu Sun, Lu Hou
NeurIPS 2023 Under Review
Exploring In-Context Learning for Overnight Stock Price Movement Prediction with Large Language Models
Yi Liu, Lei Li, Shicheng Li, Ruihan Bao, Keiko Harimoto and Xu Sun
In IJCAI 2023 International Symposium on FinLLM
Incorporating Pre-trained Model Prompting in Multimodal Stock Volume Movement Prediction
Ruibo Chen, Zhiyuan Zhang, Yi Liu, Ruihan Bao, Keiko Harimoto and Xu Sun
In KDD 2023 Workshop on Machine Learning in Finance
Communication Efficient Federated Learning for Multilingual Neural Machine Translation with Adapter [pdf]
Yi Liu, Xiaohan Bi, Lei Li, Sishuo Chen, Wenkai Yang and Xu Sun
In Findings of ACL 2023